For the second consecutive year, DBerti Comunica was responsible, in addition to the presentation and mediation, for the preparation of the script for the two days of the event. This material contained the introductions of each panel, the interactions with the public present and the questions for the panel mediation. In the same way, the coverage of the event was made by video through interviews with the main executives present. The event changes its name. In 2017, it was Connect Latam and the following year it changed its name to Inspire Latam, but it continues to bring together the main channels/resellers of Synnex West with Comstor (now TD Synnex) in Latin America, in a content programming from the main technology manufacturers in the world. market, with the aim of offering commercial arguments of impact and generating business opportunities through round tables. editing
2018 took place in Cancun, Mexico.
2018 took place in Cancun, Mexico.