DBerti Comunica

This text is my debut as a columnist for the Sustainable Happiness Portal, and also an invitation to the tasty protagonism of life. Every day we are given 24 hours to make “life happen,” as the popular expression goes. Like a train, we start the day slowly (pero no mucho lol) and many times, before noon, we are at full steam answering e-mails, recording audios, solving demands.

There is a great internal rush, also called anxiety. The head with a thousand thoughts does not give much respite, it lives in the future and oxygen seems to be lacking. A pause (also quick) to nourish the body. One eye on the cell phone and another on the plate. Time “drags” us and, at the end of the day, the feeling is of tiredness or concern for the tasks that are pending for the next 24 hours. Sleep seems to never rest.

The golden question is, “Can this tragic outlook be changed?”

The answer is yes! But it takes work, and a lot of it! It is easier to outsource life, to live in automatic mode, with the external being the protagonist of our story. To take the reins of our existence, to leave the role of supporting actor to assume the main role, requires courage, with a good pinch of light, generated by the first steps on the journey toward self-knowledge.

Countless times we forget that we can choose. We forget that we can create and recreate our reality, our life. We forget that we can seek new angles of vision of the same situation. All this is possible as long as we start looking inside and questioning: why are we in such a hurry?

If we are attentive, the Universe shows us admirable examples of those who know how to savor the moments. They put themselves in the present, connect with themselves, and feel. They perceive every sound, taste, texture, smell, and nourish their body, mind, and heart with these magical instants. They take themselves completely out for a walk, to work, to dance. Body and, above all, thoughts are connected and in the same place.

Even with a busy daily routine, we already know that we are the ones who manage the speed of the train of life, and with this we can make strategic stops to observe and resume the rhythm with more spirit, aligning the internal clock to a less hurried and much more fluid

The invitation is, besides assuming the protagonism of its existence, to take a new look at the hurried routine, and change the perception about it. We return here to being students so that we can learn to prioritize not only activities, but what really makes sense to us. We become masters of our time, where a suffocating rush does not fit. The present moment gains space and brings along the magic of sensations and connections. A toast to a new existence full of possibilities!

Want to know more about protagonism? Have you already watched on Netflix The Call to Courage, by researcher Brené Brown? It’s a must-see! Let us know what you think of this super tip.

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