DBerti Comunica

Knock, Knock, Knock: Message from the Universe to You

Do you know when you are facing delicate situations in your life and you don’t know how to find answers to your doubts and afflictions? Well, the answers come, but through messages from the Universe. Then someone asks me, “But Dani, what do you mean?” and I answer, “Come with me and I’ll explain.”

When we let go of the illusory control of situations, put ourselves in humility mode (without interference from the Ego) and connect to the Divine, the answers (which some call insights) come.

When we are awake and with an open heart, the messages appear in many ways: people who don’t know how we are inside send us an e-mail with a wonderful text, we receive videos, win a book, watch a movie with a dialog full of tips, we go out for a coffee and this person tells us something that answers our doubts, inspires us to think differently, act differently, among other dynamics, which appear without explanation and often bring “on a platter” the answers we so much wanted to find in “isolation”.

“But Dani, talking like this sounds easy, but how to perceive all this? How to open yourself to it?” and I say: “By risking (in your own way, in your own time and with a lot of self-compassion) to connect with something bigger and not visible to the eyes, but that created you and speaks to you all the time, but through situations and events, and not by voice like a phone call or a whatsapp audio, (although the messages from the Universe can arrive that way, through loved ones).”

Get out of the automatic and invest in your evolution

The challenge of our modern life is to get out of the automatic of life, the external rush of meeting deadlines and the internal rush generated by aggressive and merciless anxiety. Can we overcome it? Yes, because that’s why we are here in this world, to overcome challenges that make us grow, evolve, and become the best version of ourselves.

The most important thing is to take the first step, which will be followed by another, and another, and another, until the connection with the Divine is (re)established, humility is in its proper place, patience with oneself and self-compassion are hand in hand, and the heart has its doors wide open to perceive, feel and hear: “Knock, knock, knock! Message from the Universe to you J”.

These letters from the Universe are the guidance we so much want and need, to discover the treasures that are often hidden on the path of our lives, to give new meaning to many things, to transcend others, and to generously pass on our learnings to whoever we meet along the way.

And you, how have you been listening to the messages from the Universe! I’d love to know!

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